Humans have a product available to them that is very similar to Beggin' Strips...it's call Bac-o's. You may have noticed that the commercials for Bac-o's don't say "humans don't know it's not bacon." Maybe humans think Bac-o's are bacon. Who knows????
I'm going to end this chain of though by pointing out that humans actually have a product called "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter." I've forgotten which of the Army of Four once stated that he or she can believe that it's not!

Next time I am on a tirade, I will discuss humans using the word for female canine when they are insulting women.
you are so right, that is like doofus's corn toy that is actually bacon flavor??
Wow, Joe! That is a really stupid thing!
Maybe humans don't know the difference!
Humans are just too stupid to realize that we will basically eat anything, regardless of what it taste like. I mean, Sam likes to eat paper! It doesn't taste like bacon!
I like stealing paper napkins and food wrappers!
Dakota loves to eat paper, too! I'm sure she would eat Beggin Strips and Bacos with no complaints!
My human likes all things bacon, but she puts those little red bac-o things on her salads and acts like they're bacon, but I know they're not. I tried to tell her when she dropped the jar and said I could eat what dropped, but I thought it was better just to chase them around the kitchen instead. Humans are so stupid. I think they're all in denial all the time or something.
Bacon is soooooo good, why would they eer try to make a fake one! We sure know the difference, bring on the BACON!
Face Licks, M&M
We don't get treats like that. They make Penny barf from the preservatives, so none of us get them. Its too bad, Maverick is a snausage hound.
Humans are weird. Why do they label it that when it doesn't taste like it?
~ girl girl
Hey, Turbo! We have a new modem and we're back online!
We can track lost humans, detect termites, and diagnose cancer with our sense of smell, but the stupid humans think we cannot smell the difference between real, crisp bacon and a chewy, salt-infused treat?
You all have made excellent points!
Especially, you, Magnum!
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